Ecole St Giles à Londres
Ecole St Giles à Londres

Scuola di lingua St. Giles a Londra

La scuola di lingua St. Giles a Londra è situata nel centro della città. Dotata di più di 25 aule, una mensa, un laboratorio informatico e una terrazza sul tetto per il comfort degli studenti durante l'estate, questa struttura dispone anche di un centro multimediale per guardare DVD, un laboratorio linguistico e una biblioteca molto utili per gli studenti che, come te, desiderano migliorare il loro inglese. Un residence al piano superiore e una connessione Wi-Fi completa offrono un comfort ottimale agli studenti.

I corsi

È possibile seguire diversi programmi in base alle preferenze e al ritmo di ciascuno studente: dai corsi di inglese generale a Londra (inglese classico) alla preparazione agli esami di lingua inglese che consentono di ottenere un riconoscimento del proprio livello di inglese, la scuola offre una vasta scelta di possibilità.

Il corso di inglese generale standard prevede 20 lezioni della durata di 50 minuti ciascuna a settimana, che possono essere distribuite solo al mattino o solo al pomeriggio. I corsi di inglese generale intensivi della scuola St Giles a Londra, invece, offrono un totale di 28 lezioni della durata di 50 minuti ciascuna. È inoltre possibile prepararsi agli esami Cambridge CAE (Advanced) e FCE (First).


In famiglia ospitante: puoi essere ospitato da una famiglia ospitante e beneficiare di una camera singola o doppia, oltre a un bagno in comune. Inoltre, puoi scegliere tra diverse opzioni per i pasti: puoi optare solo per la colazione o per la mezza pensione completa. È disponibile un'opzione "Famiglia ospitante superiore" per gli studenti che desiderano avere una connessione Internet dalla loro sistemazione.

In residenza: Inoltre, la scuola St Giles a Londra dispone di una residenza appositamente progettata per gli studenti che studiano negli stessi edifici e avranno solo bisogno di recarsi nella mensa per le colazioni incluse. Gli studenti alloggiano nello stesso tipo di camera delle famiglie ospitanti. La residenza Somerset Court consente di affittare un appartamento con quattro, cinque o sei camere da letto con bagno privato, oltre a una TV e una connessione Internet. C'è una zona comune con un salotto e una cucina in condivisione. Inoltre, la residenza estiva Frances Gardner House offre camere singole con bagno privato. Infine, la residenza Langton Close dispone di una lavanderia e di una sala studenti con TV e tavolo da biliardo.

Scuola di lingua St Giles di Londra in immagini

  • Minimum age : 16
  • Number of classes : 29
  • Number of students per class : 9
  • Levels : beginner to high advanced
Holidays :
18-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-gen-2026
Vacations :
From 22.12.25 to 26.12.25
  • Wifi
  • English UK
  • British Council
  • Favourite
  • 5 stars
  • Cours généraux
  • Préparation aux examens
  • Wifi
  • English UK
  • British Council
  • Favourite
  • 5 stars
  • Cours généraux
  • Préparation aux examens

Corsi di inglese presso St Giles Londra

General English 20 lessons AM

From 290.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 50 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

General English 20 lessons PM

From 233.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 50 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

General English 20 lessons for beginners

From 373.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 50 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : beginner to elementary
Start dates : 20-gen-2025, 17-feb-2025, 17-mar-2025, 22-apr-2025, 19-mag-2025, more16-giu-2025, 21-lug-2025, 18-ago-2025, 15-set-2025, 13-ott-2025, 10-nov-2025, less

General English 28 lessons

From 354.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 28 lessons of 50 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

General English plus English for Business

From 416.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 28 lessons of 50 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

General English for Over 30's

From 290.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 30
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 50 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : pre-intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

IELTS Preparation 20 lessons

From 290.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 50 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

IELTS Preparation 28 lessons

From 354.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 28 lessons of 50 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

FCE Preparation 20 lessons

From 330.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 50 min.
Levels : intermediate to advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025,20-gen-2025,17-mar-2025,21-apr-2025,15-set-2025,20-ott-2025

FCE Preparation 28 lessons

From 416.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 28 lessons of 50 min.
Levels : intermediate to advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025,20-gen-2025,17-mar-2025,21-apr-2025,15-set-2025,20-ott-2025

CAE Preparation 20 lessons

From 330.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 50 min.
Levels : upper intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025,20-gen-2025,24-mar-2025,28-apr-2025,15-set-2025,20-ott-2025

CAE Preparation 28 lessons

From 416.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 28 lessons of 50 min.
Levels : upper intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025,20-gen-2025,24-mar-2025,28-apr-2025,15-set-2025,20-ott-2025

CPE Preparation 20 lessons

From 330.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 50 min.
Levels : advanced to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025,15-set-2025,20-ott-2025

CPE Preparation 28 lessons

From 416.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 28 lessons of 50 min.
Levels : advanced to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025,15-set-2025,20-ott-2025

Platinum Group Course 20

From 688.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 21
Students max per class : 5 (3 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 50 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Platinum Group Course 30

From 996.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 21
Students max per class : 5 (3 avg)
Number of courses per week : 30 lessons of 50 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Platinum Combination Course 20 group + 10 one-to-one

From 1'318.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 21
Students max per class : 5 (3 avg)
Number of courses per week : 30 lessons of 50 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Full Time CELTA Course

From 362.50 GBP / week
Minimum age : 18
Students max per class : 12 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 30 lessons of 50 min.
Levels : advanced to high advanced
Start dates : 13-gen-2025, 10-feb-2025, 10-mar-2025, 28-apr-2025, 2-giu-2025, more7-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 17-nov-2025, less

Alloggi presso St Giles Londra


- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Single room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
From 205.00 GBP / week

Homestay for under 18

- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
Single room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
From 228.00 GBP / week

Homestay (2 people together)

- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
From 217.00 GBP / week

Homestay Superior

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Single room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
Single room
Private bathroom
Half board
Not specified
From 271.00 GBP / week

St Giles Residence

- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Single room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
From 344.00 GBP / week

Chapter Highbury

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Not specified
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
From 430.00 GBP / week

Chapter Highbury - studio

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Not specified
From 460.00 GBP / week

UCL Residence (for students aged 16 & 17 only)

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
From 553.00 GBP / week

Tufnell House

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Not specified
From 430.00 GBP / week
Optional courses